Pride Month

Monday 13 January 2020

[[0005]] Hypo Hangovers... are a thing.

This blog is brought to you by the fact I started my week... with yet another bloody hypo! And then had what equates to a hypo hangover for the rest of my shift at work. TYPICAL.

I woke up a bit woozy this morning, couldn't really feel my typical hypo symptoms but I knew my body wasn't quite "there" so morning blood test showed be I had woken up with a hypo. I should have figured that out myself, considering I'd been tossing and turning half an hour previously and had a lot of vivid dreams.

So, did my normal treatment of a cup of sugary drink then bombed out to work cos I didn't want to miss the earlier buses.

And my bloods did get sorted... but upon going outside for a break with my team leader, I STILL felt like I was having hypo symptoms. SO clever me checked again and my blood were now 12mmol/L.

I spend a lot of time chatting to my team leader when I am at work (she's a gem omg) and she coined a good term for these after hypo effects, thus Hypo Hangover was born. And damn, what a hypo hangover! Sometimes when I have a hypo, I struggle to use my hands and lose some of my upper body strength. And today's problem was, even after the hypo was gone, I couldn't even open a door! I also couldn't stop shaking and my legs felt like jelly for a good half of the day, very odd.

Hypo hangover makes sense though. There have been times before when I have had a hypo in the middle of the night and once its sorted and I have got back to sleep... when I wake up in the morning, it's like I haven't rested at all, I am exhausted, no energy, my limbs feel heavy. It's not just during the night though, say I have a hypo at work, if it takes longer than the normal 10 mins to sort out, or it keeps going down before it goes up, I end up getting home and absolutely crashing for the remainder of the day.

Hypos and diabetes really are crazy crazy things. It's interesting how they can affect us all in different ways, or sometimes the same!

Have you ever had a hypo hangover before? I'd love to know!!! After all, there are plenty of us type 1 diabetics in the world so I know there has to be someone else who has been through similar!!!

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