Pride Month

Sunday 19 January 2020

[[0007]] Week 2 Overview

Howdy folks, I'm finally back with this weeks diabetes and life overview and boy, hasn't it been a bloody week and a half! 

I'm not gonna ramble on too much about the bad shizzle that happened this week, you can read all about it by following this link right here!!

Long story short, it was hell. So many low blood sugars resulting in a day off work (which I am rather pissed at myself about, alas, sometimes we cannot control these things). I still don't know what happened, but I am more than adamant that it is due to my nighttime Lantus insulin because absolutely nothing else makes sense to me anymore! Also forgot to mention in that bad day blog post that I had to blood test every hour or two on that Tuesday day off just to make sure I didn't let my blood sugars drop again and oh God, my finger tips still feel it now.

I do hope it is enough for the consultant to let me go on to the Libre though... although I have heard
there is a shortage in the little things at the moment, but I don't see him till a week on Tuesday so maybe eventually things will sort out? I do realise that I need a constant glucose monitor at this point as it'll be easier to monitor the trends in my bloods in relation to food and carbs (especially if I have to carb count soon, urgh). I do hope as well, that it means I can finally go on to the long acting Tresiba insulin my dietitian told me a lot about, after all, the diabetes doctors at my local hospital supposedly all swear by it, and I honestly thing a change in long acting meds may be what I need.

So, what else has happened this week? WELL, for the first time in the longest time, I finally went out to play some Pokemon GO (the game that helped me and Jakey meet!) as it was Piplup community day today and it meant I got to meet my lovely friend who caught loads of Ralts for me on another community day that I was unable to attend, so I finally got a shiny Gardevoir for my Pokemon collection, wooo! Very happy about that oh yes!

I haven't been out much to play the games I love as I am always worried nowadays that I might hypo at any time, especially this week but I am so glad I went out. Saw lots of friends, got lots of shinies (and 19p croissants for dinner, absolutely banging!) and all in all, just had a fantastic three hours out the house! I need to keep reminding myself that it is okay to go out and not every day is a bad hypo day or neuropathy day, it's at least good to go and try and do the things I absolutely love! I also have to remember that the neuropathy isn't horribly bad in my foot yet and that I am lucky it is not in my left foot, so I need to make the most of not having both feet in pain whilst I can!!!

SO, up above is the graph of the blood results I have taken this week... at least I can say there has definitely been a lot less hypos and a few more blood sugars in the correct range, but the fact my hypos out number my hypers is still a bit scary to see. Thankfully, the last two days, I have woken up with blood sugars between 6 and 7.5mmol/L which isn't bad. The change I made, is that I try to drink something a bit sugary before bed and so far, it seems to be working. I do however, need pay day to hurry up so I can get some milk to drink before bed as that is slightly better than digging into the hypo supplies to stop night time hypos. I'm going to pray so damn hard that I don't have anymore morning hypos next week... I have honestly had enough of them!!!

My mental health, sadly, has taken a dip this week... which is scaring me a little bit and of course, I am worried that it may scare Jake a little too. I am waiting for counselling though so fingers crossed that helps! What I know has not helped me is the fact I do not sleep my solid 6 hours that I used to do on my old antidepressants... so again, something else to speak to the doctors about at my appt in a weeks time. Long story short (again), when I was in hospital, they changed my normal Mirtazapine (only antidepressant that helps you sleep) for Duloxitine, which is a drug for diabetic neuropathy that is also an antidepressant, but that new medication honestly hates me, and the stresses of this week and the lack of sleep has really made my mental health suffer to the point I've had thoughts that absolutely terrify me. I won't act on them, thankfully, but it has spurred me to get these meds changed so I can at least be on my old meds again with something new for the neuropathy... watch this space I guess!!!
I have tried a few tactics to help me sleep, and boring and repetitive seems to be the way to go for me haha! So, many of you may know I absolutely love Pokemon and have done for years and the new game for Nintendo Switch is absolutely AMAZING (and so British it hurts haha) but I have however completed the Pokedex and the game so what to do next? Simple, SHINY HUNT.

I both enjoy and regret starting this, but its so boring and repetitive at times that it just makes me fall asleep so I'm gonna stick at it for now. Not only that, I may have caught the shiny bug at last!

With previous Pokemon games, I never really went out of my way to hunt shinies, if I got them then great but if I didn't then meh, whatever. But... with some friends at work doing the same and seeing how cool some of the new generation shinies look... I had to get in on it! My first one had to be Dreepy, that derpy dragon looking thing in the picture. There is a method called the Masuda Method in which you use a Pokemon (in my case, a Ditto) from a foreign country and if you have the shiny charm as well, you luck drops to 1.500something in getting a shiny to hatch out of an egg. 250ish eggs later, I got Dreepy! Next was Galarian Zigzagoon (which not shiny, is black and white and looks like it should be in KISS haha!!) but I wanted this one so when evolved into its majestic blue and red glory, I could call it David Bowie and after 62 eggs, I got him too! AND THEN we get Impidimp, and although not confirmed to be based on Lincoln Imp, we assume it is... but the shiny is so cool... try telling that to my brain and I should have given up because it took three/four nights of constant game play and 608 eggs lates, finally got the shiny little guy... but ho damn it was hell.

Supposedly another tactic is shiny encounters in the wild which I haven't done before so I am going to try that out over the next couple of days... and then back to eggs to get my shiny yellow Lucario for my team haha! I am slowly making a list of shinies I want to find so fingers crossed, that will keep me busy until the DLC expansion passes are out in June and Autumn this year.

My, thats a lot of Pokemon talk but honestly? Playing so much of it has chilled me out and made things a little better this week. It's honestly kept me going, given me something to look forward to whilst waiting for Jake to get home to me after work (I still hate being on my own) and it's giving me something to do in my lonely lunch breaks too! Which brings me on to something else I have been thinking about as well, especially with the shiny hunting and expansion passes coming out, but after mine and Jakey's streaming session on Saturday night (catch us next week on mixer playing Fortnite again), I think I want to use my personal mixer to stream Pokemon games, such as community days on Pokemon GO and well, the new content coming out, as well as shiny hunting cos supposedly people like that. Plus, Saturday just gone was the first time my Fortnite gameplay was live for people to see, and I think I had some alright moments... the buzz is real and I want to stream more!!! Especially if I can help raise more money for JDRF with it in the future too.

Well, that's it for my week guys! Ups and downs and geeky glory... pretty normal in my not-so ordinary world!!! Not to see what next week brings, alas... time to go do more shiny hunting haha LETS DO THIS! 

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