Pride Month

Sunday 9 February 2020

[[0013]] Week 5 Overview

Can you believe that it's February already because I sure as heck still can't! Heck, I'm paid in less than three weeks and after the six weeks of no pay because Christmas and New Year... it's all going by so quick, what the actual hecking heck?!?!?

It's actually been a busy week but thankfully, it has given me some (what I am hoping) is quality content for next weeks blog posts! Gotta reach that 500 views and fingers crossed, make it up to 10 followers! (Seriously, how do people get blog followers, this is beyond me nowadays haha). Alas, I have been rather busy which is why I have not been able to post very much, but I will keep this post short and sweet about diabetes this week... as the overview should be!!!

So, mental health wise this week... things have been better, but that is a culmination of many things, mainly the fact that I went to London with the other half, saw Dir en Grey for the eighth time (and omg this is definitely one of my favourite shows from them, plus unexpected Kodou in the encore!!!) and then shopping round London and family times with the other half's family.

After last year, it was exactly what I needed as I haven't really had any proper time out from life for a while, and this is honestly what the doctor ordered. I had such an amazing time, alas my blood sugars say otherwise, but look out for a post next week to see my London gets, gig low down and excitement and dinosaur posts as honestly, you will never see me look happier!

So, my bloods this week have... not been great and I am actually unsure why other than I know I let go a little bit in London and sometimes its hard to find the carb content when you're having dinner out and trying to not hypo in a gig. 

My new night time meds (Toujeo) seem to be working okay but I'll know for certain over next week now that I am returning to my normal daily routine. SO fingers crossed it is working!  

I have noticed that when at work, my bloods seem to spike a lot after my breakfast, and I am not sure if that is because I am not doing enough insulin in the mornings or if work in the morning has been stressing me out. But it seems to be the same steady theme everyday that I am at work because by the evening, things tend to have settled down. I'm going to keep an eye on this though, but I don't expect it to change so the only thing I can really do is start doing extra medication and hope that it doesn't knock me out with a hypo before lunch.

I had a lot of problems with my blood sugars on Saturday and I am still not sure why. I ended up having to over insulin to try and get them down because they kept staying stupidly high. They have settled today mind you... and I am still trying to figure out what was causing the issues yesterday. I had considered anxiety because I haven't drunk alcohol for a while and even though I didn't drink silly (and alcohol is meant to lower blood sugars), it took all day and night to get my bloods somewhat reasonable. But this is why I don't think it was stress and anxiety because I had been alright mentally the whole time... the world is a mystery to be quite honest. Sometimes there are things even I do not understand. 

I guess the last little update is that I may finally be getting some new medication for my neuropathy next week, just am unsure when that decision will be made. I am expecting kidney tablets again either way so I think once those are through at the doctors, the new neuro meds will be to. I noticed yesterday that Duloxetine has finally been taken off my repeat prescription so something is definitely happening, I just don't know when. I just hope and pray that whatever I get means I can be out back on Mirtazapine again for my mental health and sleep and that whatever new tablet it is stops me feeling nausea and travel sickness all the damn time. 

So, diabetes wise, that is it for this week! But I'll be back with some fun posts next week so be sure to follow, share and so on and I will speak to you all soon 💙

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