Pride Month

Wednesday 18 March 2020

[[0024]] Day 1 of Self-Isolation

Well, what a time we live in!!! 

As my facebook and instagram friends will be aware, yesterday, due to the fact I am at risk of severe illness if I get COVID-19, I was sent home for at least two weeks, to basically protect me from getting the virus.

Because of this, I have decided to change my blog a little for this time, and will do a day-by-day like journal of undertaking social distancing, which is technically self-isolation what with not seeing family, friends or work colleagues in person and if I do leave the house, it'll be later at night when less people are around (same for if I desperately need to go to the shop).

So, I guess I need to explain why I have been asked to isolate, and it's quite simple really. I'm sure many of you are following Government guidelines during this time, and on Monday night, there was a new update, which you can read over here.

I fall into the "increased risk of severe illness" category, due to my primary condition, type 1 diabetes, but I also suffer with secondary complications now, of which chronic kidney disease is listed. 

I have actually been quite quiet on the blog front recently and I guess it is because the ex-student scientist in me has been following news, figures, science, updates in regards to this global pandemic. And if I am honest with you, I haven't really been too worried. That might be an odd statement for you read, but honestly, I've felt no need to panic buy or stockpile medication, no need to spam it across social media (until it affected me that is) and well, I'll be blunt and I don't yet know anyone with it. And yes, I guess it is because they aren't testing unless within a hospital mainly, but I have yet to hear of a case in the place in which I work and in comparison to some places, our figures are low. Yes, I expect them to change and I can see that the overall figures are rising exponentially (GOD, I love that word so much) but the last few weeks, I have felt somewhat safe.

The only time I was or would worry, was if it arrived at the hospital whilst I was at work... and it hasn't and it didn't either (while I was there). And turns out, the hospital and the trust that I work for, seem to be very on-board with everything that is going on, from many, many meetings, assessing the situation on a daily basis, making plans and provisions; they are doing well from what I can see on the outside as a staff member.

And this obviously shows in what they are doing to protect their vulnerable staff. I had been wondering what would happen with people like me and I had spoken to find out information and then on Tuesday afternoon, a team meeting was held in which I could see the printout of the guidelines as they listed the conditions that needed to go to the office to go home for at least two weeks. 

I know that they are following government guidelines but, the NHS knows how to look after their staff and I must admit, with my conditions, they have been very respectful in making things easier for me. Plus, my bank shifts for this week are at least honoured and although I hadn't confirmed any bank shifts for next week, I do get my full part time contract pay instead of the sick pay the government have stated... so all in all, things may get tight, but it is not the end of the world. I am also relieved in a way... my biggest concern in contracting the virus some how, some way (and after the gastroenteritis last year with the 10 day stay in hospital and thus developing chronic kidney disease because the kidneys are the wimps of the body) is my kidneys taking another hit and losing even more of their function... that would be devastating and I don't think I could face that, especially as I am fighting so hard to keep the function stable.

So without further adieu, welcome to...

Day 1  (doesn't seem so ad yet...)

To be honest, everything is quite novel at the moment. Like, most people must thing "ooooo, two weeks off with pay, YEY!" and a little part of me is thinking like that, but then in all seriousness, I know this is for the best. 

I know that at some point, my mental health is going to take a hit from this, especially as it is at least  two weeks, because it could end up being the full 12 weeks, but for the sake of my mental health, I am doing what I can to not think about that right now. There have been times in the past where I have just stayed home and had no reason to go out and I do go stir-crazy and get the most ridiculous cabin fever, and I am doing what I can to try and keep that at bay cos it can be hugely devastating to the hard work I have put in in trying to not let my mental health get to me. One of the reasons I am doing this day-by-day account, is in a way to reach out to people so they know I'm okay, but also help me deal with my emotions (of which I normally lack) because things could get a bit funky in my head the longer I am in the house for. 

One positive is that I do get to spend more time with my baby princess snugglebutt, Magnus Bane. We used to spend so so so much time together before I got my job, and this little part of me thinks she misses me when I am gone which is why she waits for me when I get home. Once upon a time, when I used to go away to London, she would genuinely miss me to the point she wouldn't eat a lot and would stare out the bedroom door to the front door waiting for me... so the fact she has me for at least two weeks has got to make my baby a happy baby (and hopefully she won't keep peeing on the floor...)

I figured, with this time off, I can finally sort the house out. Loads of stuff is just everywhere still from when we thought we might flood last year, so I started with the one room that will get the most use potentially with me being off, and that is the living room. Me and the other half use this room for our live streaming sessions and it has been a little bit impractical  as we would either have to move the telly nearer to the sofa, or move the smaller sofa away from the radiator and in front of the other sofa so the webcam would pick us up better. The second TV used to live on a chair as well, and there were cables everywhere. Something needed to change just for now (eventually we are hoping to make a little gaming room upstairs alas we are waiting for my dad to make is a table for the TVs and consoles and we need to be able to afford a new TV for the living room so the two down here can go upstairs... and a new webcam, maybe a stream deck, a decent mic..............)

It's not much but we basically moved everything from the side facing the TV from the side where the big sofa is. I'm surprised the big sofa fit but it does, wooo! The little sofa is now easier to move forwards towards the TVs which is going to be an absolute God send. And the second TV finally as a stable table to stand on, with space for the laptop. The room doesn't look as empty anymore but it is so so so much more practical for us as streamed. 

There is a reason I wanted to do this, and not just cos sometimes I fancy a change, but if I am staying is iso for longer, I was thinking of ways I can make some more pennies as things on just my part time wages could ultimately be a strain on us financially. 

One of the ways I was thinking of combating this, even if it will take a while, is by streaming more games whilst the other half is at work. I have wanted and have said I want to stream Pokémon for a while, so I am hoping to stream PoGO from home (what with the game updates making it easier to play from home for a bit) as well as Let's GO Eevee and Sword. I'm hoping to do some relaxed shiny hunting streams, chat Pok
émon, relax... stuff like that. Maybe some little challenges like 100 max raids in a period of time or something. Again it will take a while, and I still need to learn how to use Stream Labs with Mixer along with setting it all up, but I figure it could be pretty fun? We are also hoping to introduce some bots to our stream which will post the link to our donation tab and merch store as well as a reminder to wash your hands! I also had some help from the other half's streamer friend Corey and her other streamer friends, to sort out getting embers on out mixer account so if peeps want to help out a little bit, they can buy embers and use them to buy the sticker like things (like spending sparks) and post them to our stream! We might set up fun donation goals and shizzle... again, it's only little but it'll help nonetheless.

I think my next plan is to sort out the hallway so I can get in to the office to fix that up a bit. When I feel crappy, I like to look at my books sometimes but also, it'll give me my office space back to do commissions which could be another potential income source for me whilst I am off. That should keep me busy for a couple of days either way.

The other half is also back at work tomorrow and I know he is worried he might bring the virus home to me, of which I am worried too. Hopefully he can find some answers from management. Fingers crossed. Tomorrow will also be the first proper day of being on my own though so I am not sure how I will take that as of yet, but I do think I will struggle as the time goes on.

Other than that, I am not sure what the future holds right now.

Over and out, mes amigos.

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