Pride Month

Thursday 19 March 2020

[[0025]] Day 2 of Self-Isolation

And here is your daily report of the goings on in Queenie's brain at this most terrible of times in our country, our continent, our world.

Day 2  (Still waiting for the shit to hit the fan...)

So, day 2. I still think the novelty I mentioned yesterday, is still setting in... at the moment, I honestly feel kind of weird about it all? I'm not sure (for once) how to actually write how I feel about the self-isolation stuff, other than in the form of questions, such as , "When will the novelty wear off" and "How long till my mental health takes a hit"? And that doesn't even scratch the questions I have floating around in my cloud of a brain-fuck mind. 

One of the nicest things before I go on to some bad, before ending on some good (a mood sandwich?) was the other half waking me up with a bacon sammich in bed... a good way to start day 2 in iso!!! 

One thing I can say is that the things I (and others) have been expecting to happen, ARE happening. I forgot to mention yesterday, because I did not want to ramble, but with places closing, gigs and events cancelling, I have been waiting for the MUCC EU Tour to also cancel, what with the EU travel ban in place when they are due to fly over. So yes, it was to be expected, alas it has happened and I am very much devastated... even though I knew it was going to happen.

So, first thing... to cut a long story short in future posts... me and the other half were going to London mid April, about half a week after my birthday to basically see one of my fave bands (I've seen them 6 times altogether but have not seen them for 10 whole years) and also see friends, go visit museums (in particular, the Natural History Museum to buy an even bigger Triceratops plush named Captain Holt and a smaller Triceratops called Jake Peralta to go with my medium sized Terry Cruz Triceratops) and have some nice date meals out whilst chilling in a nice hotel in Angel and then go to visit my besties, Josh and Bridie, over in Wales. Alas, with the cancellation of the MUCC gig, and that theatres and cinemas are shutting alongside some shops and our back up plan of Harry Potter Studios AND because I may potentially be in iso for longer, the difficult but smart decision has been made to not go to London. It's fine, we can just go back another time, save up and do it all for the birthday this year and it is true, I can, alas, my brain is a little bitch and honestly, I needed this trip to London. Come my birthday, I will probably be stomping my feet like a pathetic child and stuff, because, after EVERYTHING I have gone through the last few months with my diabetes and ever-worsening complications, the countless bad news that I keep receiving, the nights I have cried because I want to turn back time and learn from my mistakes and be better now... I needed something for once, to actually work out for me. And it's been shot down and I'm just like "oh".

I don't think its sank in yet that everything for le birthday is called off... I'm not sure it will till we reach April... alas... I guess this is another "watch this space" moment for now. 

IN OTHER NEWS, I did something new! Well, new to me, and very nerve-wracking haha! I did my first ever solo live stream! You can check it out by selecting one of the links out over on the left (the QueenofGyarados one) or just click this link here

So Pokémon GO has actually made some nice changes since the Corona virus stuff started affecting the world, such as a box that cost just 1 coin which contains 30 incense, they increased the length of time incense lasts from 30mins to 1 hour, as well as more spawns in the wild, more regular drops of gifts from PoGO stops and I am sure I have missed some things out.

So what better time to stream than now with Pokémon GO, from the comfort of your own home! Yes, it is a game to play out and about and I intend on doing so once all this is over, but, they have gone out of their way to help make sure players are protected and still able to play and honestly, I think that is absolutely amazing!!! I have so much respect for them in doing this. Also, but I won't know for certain till the paid for ticket event unlocks tomorrow, but the event to get Genesect is released tomorrow and they have written on their Facebook page that the event will be easily playable without group contact, so that either means I can do a bit of it at home on my own, or hopefully most of it... so tomorrow I hope to send the Jake out on my Pokémon GO account to collect me balls (cos I am going to go through sooooo many streaming at home) and fingers crossed I can stream some, if not most, of the new event!!! (I've also just seen some of the rewards from the event... and am totally sold by the new avatar items!!!)

On another note, I absolutely love the game (and am still gutted I haven't been able to get out and about properly since last year and I miss the PoGO Lincoln peeps (and hate my health for limiting me)! I also want to stream something I am good at and this is quick and easy to set up, so why not? Also gives me a way to communicate with people, so people watch and comment and I can chat to them... and I figure this may actually help my mental health whilst I am off! I didn't set it up all by myself though... my mate Pete (who you can check out on twitch here) gave me some help when the internet was doing me a confusion... so thank you for helping my first stream work out kind of okay!!!

The stream went okay though, I think... considering it was my first one on my own and I was truly delving into the dark... and although I caught no shinies, it was a lot of fun!!! I must admit, I was proper anxious and you might hear it in my voice, but, I survived the whole hour and God damn I needed a cigarette from about the 10 min mark cos I was so anxious!!! Thankfully, one of the other half's friends, Hewey (such a babe ❤️❤️❤️) hopped in the stream for the full hour with me, so gave me someone to talk to which was so so helpful (and means less dead air as I have been informed that that is bad!) and I also found a home for my last shiny Torchic, so thank you so much Hewey!!!

Other than that, I haven't really done much else today. Although, after I have done with the blog, I am gonna try and sort out the bottom of the stairs in this house, finally chuck out some coats that just aren't me and shoes that have seen better days, as well as sort out washing... and I guess tomorrow I'll start work on the kitchen? I don't know why that's a question... probably because... ANIMAL CROSSING IS RELEASED TOMORROW AND OMG MY BODY IS NOT READY FOR THIS I HAVE WAITED SO LONG AND I JUST AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Okay, now that is out of the way...

Over and out, mes amigos.

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