Pride Month

Thursday 26 March 2020

[[0032]] Day 9 of Self-Isolation

As said yesterday, and I repeat... GOOD MENTAL HEALTH DAY GOOD MENTAL HEALTH DAY oh and good diabetes day too, badum ching~

Day 9 (Just keep swimming, just keep swimming OMFG IT IS PAY DAY TOMORROW I AM COMING FOR YOU INTERNET SHOPPING)

No need for a mood sandwich today, although I could make one, but it wouldn't be based on my own mental health and diabetes but the sheer fact that curve we keep hearing about on the news is rising, and I am honestly so glad I am able to protect myself from the outside world, even if it does take its toll on my mental health and emotions and then my diabetes. Seriously, after having gastroenteritis last year and my kidneys dropping to less than half function because as I have said before, they are the wimps of the body, as well as having flu that one time as a teen which I should have gone to hospital for but didn't... I don't think my kidneys could take me having another illness.

Yeah, it's respiratory... but, kidneys react to many different things and being type 1 diabetic, I kind of feel like they are more sensitive and prone to things you'd hope they would not be, so yeah, it might be a respiratory disease that covid-19 causes but... me being sick again would be a strain on my diabetes causing high blood sugar and ketones which can damage my kidneys further and at this point, I cannot afford for that to happen. 

Eitherway, things are worsening in Lincolnshire and getting worse across the whole UK and I still don't feel like this is the worst of it yes. I know, it is going to get worse.


Haha, I said yesterday that things would be more bearable today thanks to amazing family helping us out with finances so we could get some essential stuff in to last until we are paid tomorrow. And yeah, not having to eat pasta has been an absolute God send, seriously, my body is so relieved and I am starting to feel less lethargic and bloated... heck yes. I've managed to eek out my food throughout the day, drink to, so it lasts till tomorrow so I think I've done alright... thinking ahead and all that.

But yes, it has been a much better day of being at home and a little bit productive as well, which is always nice. I haven't felt the need to livestream Pokemon GO today for the sake of talking to people as I have had so much more energy to run around and do things or heck, sit and enjoy myself planning things.

Planning what? Animal Crossing fun stuff, that is what!

I got a little bored this morning and have been seeing people creating amazing things online for Animal Crossing so I thought it was time that I gave it a go too!!! I have wanted to do this for a while but never really was able to pluck up the courage to do it, plus, I know I can be lazy, especially when it comes to making and creating (even though I am alright at it). When I used to play Animal Crossing: New Leaf, I scanned loads of QR codes for cool outfits people had designed, such as a Lugia dress and hat, Vaporeon dress and hat and a Loki coat with cape... but, I could never seem to find a Doctor Strange outfit. SO, I changed that today, gave myself a couple of hours this morning/afternoon with pictures of Doctor Strange on the laptop and I finally came up with a design for him. 

Sadly, I don't have a QR code to share but I do plan on sorting this out soon so others (well, the Doctor Strange Cosplay Group) can also wear the design as well. Watch this space for a swanky QR code soon haha.

But then after design this and then putting up the little Kamijo artwork the other half made for me so I had my fave singer in my lil Animal Crossing home, it got me thinking about things I could do on Animal Crossing to make my home more awesome, and more like my dream home I guess haha and with all the time off too, it'll give me something to do!

So yes, I have been planning fun things to do on Animal Crossing whilst I am off. So, for the house, I am thinking either a geek room, or a super hero themed room so I can put cool costume designs in there like the Doctor Strange one, customise furniture to go with the room, maybe games consoles n stuff, we shall see! I am also planning a music room so I'll try and make little posters like the Kamijo the other half has done for me, of all the band members I like and place them on a wall, maybe logos, bedsheets, stuff like that and so on. I'll probably put music instruments in there when I eventually get them as well haha! I am so excited.

I still don't really know what I am going to do with the rest of my island, but we shall see. I do want to make a fun outdoor play area, a garden of roses because Versailles, try and make it more gothic and so on, maybe even somewhere for live music? But we shall see haha! 

Speaking of live music and stuff, the character, named Katt, on my island is the cutest little fluff bean ever and I love her so much. She keeps singing on the plaza and it is the absolute sweetest thing. I love her so much omg. I think she's my fave out of my animals, not just cos she is pretty cool, but she reminds me so much of my team leader at work, also named Kat and honestly, it is the absolute best. I have informed my team leader about this but I have not had a response as of yet. On a serious note, I do miss her and our vape/smoke breaks outside ranting about stupid people. But for now, replacement Katt will do, cos heck, she even says things that reminds me of the real person haha!!!

I think that is enough about Animal Crossing (psst, it will never be enough) and don't worry, I have not been sat on my butt all day playing the best game chill game ever (even though I totally could, just saying). I have actually finished sorting out the bathroom and washing every piece of soft furnishing stuff I could (so all the towels and bed sheets and so on) and now, bar the fact the floor still needs doing and some walls and plastering, the bathroom is looking proper dapper. Well, as dapper as a bathroom could. Plus it appeased my need to organise things, so everything now has a place and so on and it just makes me feel so happy inside. 

There are still some BIG house things left to do, so prob like a couple more weeks of deep cleaning and organising and chucking stuff, but the kitchen cupboards are all sorted, everything has been washed up or dish washed in the kitchen, the living room is tidy and organised for gaming sessions or casual TV watching and the hall way is also nice and organised and no longer cluttered with piles of coats. It doesn't look or sound like much (the upstairs and office are the biggest challenges) but, it is starting to look better and it is showing in my mood, and tbh it is true what they say, "tidy house, tidy mind" so fingers crossed, my house will be a perfect little geeky music sanctuary soon.

Speaking of tidying, my last load of rando towel washing is done, so prob should go sort that out.
Stay safe people, just keep swimming, just keep swimming!

Over and out, mes amigos.

(PS: OMG did I mention, it is pay day tomorrow OMG YES)

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