Pride Month

Sunday 29 March 2020

[[0035]] Day 12 of Self-Isolation

Day 12 (I wonder what the news will be tomorrow... I'm guessing an even stricter lockdown?)

Good evening everyone! How is everyone doing? I realise I never ask this unless people speak to me first, alas, I hope you are all okay and thank you for coming by to read my daily posts!!!

I am going to do another blog with pictures. Because, the world prefers pictures to reading and to be honest, my reading bone has kinda gone, give me pictures, give me images, give me... really crap camera photos? Haha...

SO, today was the big food shop day!!! 

SO many bags of food, well, no more than normal for our fortnightly shop but we had to get a few extra bits in because of me being home a lot more and because I can't go to the shops whilst Jake is at work. I also got to see my friend today and her partner and OMG it was so good to see and speak to other people (no offence other half, I like talking to you too). Don't worry, we did social distancing throughout, and we managed to get all the shopping we needed and got it home safely too with no problems, so yey for a plan working out and coming together nicely!

I also have to cut down on salt in my food so we had to shop based around that, which the other half did so damn well, I am proud! I've tried to meal plan for when we are home together to eat together as well as for me when I'm on my own at home. We got some good fresh stuff in so I can do salads at home, which will definitely help me cut down on my salt intake. We have also got some decent things in for breakfast because sometimes, I am not great at eating breakfast because I get bored of it, so I have some alternatives which are also healthy and low carb to help me and my diabetes that way. Plus, I am doing my best to keep a routine to my days in the week, so I might prepare healthy lunched before bed or in the morning to keep me in control of my food and carb intake and help me work out my insulin ratios. It's going to be a lot to get used to, especially as I am a renown snacker to the max, especially when I am in the house all day, but, I am also a creature that likes control, so, if I can healthily control my food, it might help with my mental health whilst I am at home.

Speaking of food... I smashed dinner tonight!

Giant yorkies, Cumberland sausages, roasties and cheese mash, loads of fresh veggies and a lot of gravy. It's actually my first time attempting a kind of Sunday dinner, however, we both smash it cos we are heathens, but I already feel so much better having some fresh veggies for the first time in a while. 

That being said, somewhat related note, it was so nice to see the veg drawers full of fresh food today, as well as the cupboards and freezer stocked to, but it was the veggies that struck a note from me, because I don't actually remember the last time I filled the fridge with veggies!!!

SO, what else has been crack-a-lackin? 

More big house tidy up times! Or should I say, I think I finally conquered the problem of what to do with the last three rooms in my house that I wrote about last night. I figured, we can store mattresses in the spare room for when peeps stay over, chuck ALL the furniture out because it is not used and takes up space and finally deal with all the rubbish and items that don't need to be in there or just got left there and was never chucked away. I think so far, I have like 6 bags of rubbish, three-quarters of which aren't mine... but either way... I blocked myself in and had to get the other half to help me get out. Which was funny... because I tried to stretch to get out, my feet got no grip and I kinda did the first splits I have done in years, like, a good 20 years and ho damn it bloody hurt, I am still in pain now. I may have broken my vagina, I have no idea! But yeah, the photo is what I got stuck behind... now to chuck it all outside and wait for all this corona stuff to blow over so it can go to the skip.


Other than that, it's been Animal Crossing and kitty cat cuddles, and it's all just perfect.

I'm not looking forward to next week and spending more time on my own again, but looking at the amount I have to do upstairs and organise downstairs, I think I have enough to keep me ticking over, and I know I'll be more inspired to art and write and read when all this is done and sorted. Tidy house, tidy mind.

Anyway my friends, keep safe, wash your hands, social distance, stay at home!

Over and out, mes amigos.

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