Pride Month

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

[[0038]] Day 15 of Self-Isolation

Time certainly flies when you're having fun... if tidying can be classes as fun...

Day 15 (We ain't out of the woods yet...)

If I don't do it today, then I will do it tomorrow, I figure I will order an advent calendar for last year to keep me amused each day I wake up as the pandemic continues. Come at me Harry Potter goodies, my body is ready.

Anyway, it's a quick one today as not much to report.

Mental health is still stable, thank goodness. Thoughts about it being my b'day next week are trying to ruin me but I am keeping me busy with the house so those thoughts don't trash my already unstable mental health.

Diabetes was meh this morning, but, I managed to get a good blood result, 6.7, before dinner so I am happy with that. I actually did some more cooking today, cheesy mash containing potato, broccoli, carrot, peas and cabbage and have plenty left over for the other half when he is home.

So, how are the cats?

Magnus is being Magnus and sitting by food bowls every time I smoke to get treats... fat cat is gonna get fat if I'm staying at home, I struggle to say no to her cos she so cute.

As for Pom Pom, she has been loving the cat room! Magnus hasn't been in it since I've done it but Pom has been all over it, whether cat tower, window cushion, mattress, pillows... she's a happy bean and that makes me happy too!

Now, what have I been up to? 

I started sorting the music room finally. It's taken me long enough. It doesn't look like I have done a lot but there is a lot of stuff now downstairs waiting to be sorted and either binned, displayed or put under the stairs so I am taking that as a win. 

There is a lot of stuff to go under the stairs though and I am sat here writing this and wondering how the hell we got it all under the stairs in the first place? Or am I shoving more stuff under there? I don't even know at this point.

What I do know is that my house has multiplied in duvets and I am not too sure what to do with them? We saved one for the cats, have the Summer one in the airing cupboard for Summer and then the one we have on our bed... why the hell we need 8 duvets I have no idea. We have four spare pillows as well so two have been chucked cos hella old... but seriously, how did I get 8 duvets? I know I moved in with three and I bought one recently because need thermal in this house, but the rest actually confuse me. Hopefully I can find a home for them but until then, under the stairs they go (and maybe put two in the skip).

Either way, it doesn't look like I have done a lot today but my back is pulled in so many different ouchy ways and I despo need to have a shower because carrying stuff up and down the stairs is damn hard work when your kidneys make it hard to breathe. Either way, it is a start and there is always tomorrow... maybe.

Have my ultrasound scan on my bladder and kidneys tomorrow so it is my first time out of the house for about two weeks. Don't worry, I'll social distance like a pro and avoid everyone like the plague, well, everyone but the staff doing the ultra sound, obvs. I will be getting buses which I am a tad worried about but... I need to attend this appointment so I can;t afford to miss it.

Oh well, my worries on that is a blog post for tomorrow.

Over and out, mes amigos.

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