Pride Month

Thursday, 2 April 2020

[[0039]] Day 16 of Self-Isolation

Appreciating people is so damn important at a time like this. Tonight was a #clapforkeyworkers and it was felt from my tiny corner of the city, but you could hear the claps echoing as well as the cheers and horns and it was so lovely to be a part of this again. I don't think it'll keep its pace for every Thursday, but I'll go out regardless and clap my ass off if I have to.

Day 16 (Outside was weird. So weird. I couldn't wait to be home.)

Evening one and all, and welcome back to my day-by-day diaries of being stuck in my house. I thought I would have run out of things to write about but nope, I am still going strong.

First, I want to post a link to a fundraiser going on on Facebook for one of Geeks Events organisers, Mark Longman, who passed away with suspected Covid-19 symptoms. Geeks Events was one of the very first conventions I ever attended, and where I debuted my old Doctor Strange cosplay. I did not know Mark personally, but I am grateful for all that he did so please, help support the family in saving for a fantastic send off for him when this is all over. They are so close to their £2000 target, any little helps!

It's quite sobering, knowing that this virus is creeping closer and closer to people we know, or people that we know other people know well. And this city, this county, is only small. Just please, everyone, stay safe, stay at home!

So, today, I felt pretty good. Nice clothes (repping the amazing Punk Paws Brand), clean hair (styled thanks to my bed and sleep, wooo!) and all-n-all, feeling okay. Which I needed to be because it was my first trip out the house today for a very important appointment and sadly, I needed a confidence boost because I was very nervous and was not sure what I was going to be walking in to. 

Anyway, I'll get to that later... I did my first stream today where no-one hopped on, well, two rando viewers appeared but they didn't interact or ought, but I tried and said hello to them regardless. Either way, it was weird and made me realise how hard it is to stream without other people to talk to. Alas, I also realised that I enjoy streaming because it gives me a chance to talk random stuff like I would if I was at work, so in that sense, it helped. But it was still weird nonetheless. 

I did get Genesect finally though! I honestly didn't think I would manage it because I stupidly thought I would lose the research if I didn't complete it. Pokemon GO was working in my favour this week because they are having a Trickster Pokemon event in which trickster Pokemon spawn, so in this case, Foongus and Voltorb... of which Voltorb is electric type and what I specifically needed to complete part 4 of the Genesect research to actually get Genesect. 

Also, in my favour, was the actual stream itself. It actually went a lot smoother than previous and I kept my chill when it wouldn't capture my PoGO screen and boom, sorted super quick. The sound went iffy a couple of times and the camera froze twice in two very unflattering angles, but either way, I got the Pokemon I was after and I got to stream a lot of it which I will admit, was a lot of fun. I am gutted I don't live nearer to a gym to stream raids and so on, but I do hope that Niantic do increase the radius for reaching stops so I can reach the one by my house instead of drifting. Either way, I got the Mon, the stream was good, happy days.

As mentioned in the opener, I did have to go to the hospital today for an ultra sound on my kidneys and bladder, basically, to see if there is anything more going on then my diabetes affecting them, and to see if they had improved from when I last had an ultra sound when I stayed in hospital last year. By the sounds of what they were saying, the affected organs didn't look woolly anymore, which means no Pyelonephritis this time, but I don't know if they saw ought else. I had whispers of a potential cyst on a kidney but I think I have to wait for renal to get back in touch with me about it.

Needless to say, going into town and then the hospital was WEIRD. So weird and surreal, it's like I am living in a different city. Or maybe I have been cooped up for that long that it doesn't matter where I am, this is clearly a different place, time, dimension, I don't even know right now. But yeah, obvs, no-one on the streets much, a couple of dog walkers near to my house when waiting for the bus, but then getting on the bus was just even more weird (expect to hear the word weird a lot right now).

I tend to sit on the seats near the driver, because it has a bell to ring so no reaching over people to get it but also because if the bus gets full, I don't have to push past loads of people. Alas, those seats are all now blocked off with tape on some buses, signs on the others. I guess being a bus driver, the less people sit near you, the better, cos it must be difficult to social distance when seeing so many people on buses. Which tbh, on all the buses I got on today, there was no more than 4 people on each one, which again, great for social distancing but proper weird because I'm so used to the 16 being proper busy down my end, like you often have to share seats. SO yeah, weird. The bus station was baron as well... of course I had to get a pic. There is normally a good 10+ people at each bay... not anymore. It is for the best though, and some keyworkers do need the services the buses provide. It needs to be done.

I had 20mins to wait for my bus home from the station so I took it as an opportunity to go to Heron as I had been informed by a lot of people that they were fully stocked. And they were. As I was walking around Heron, I heard one of the staff members saying as of today, NHS staff get 10% off and I was the first NHS person to come in. I felt guilty and explained that I am off cos of illness, but they were lovely nonetheless and said even if I am not out there now, I can go back when this is all over and help build everything back up again. Which was proper sweet. We didn't really need a lot, but they had some fab deals on treats we can't normally afford so I had to pick up the other half his fave pizza subs as well as some sexy Ben and Jerry's ice cream, as well as staple energy drinks and a few sweet treats for me so my lunch stuff stretches. I got a lot for the £13 I spent, and I went home very happy.

Town however, was also weird. Again, most times of the day and even early morning, there is so much more activity, like a crowd of young college students outside Maccies for example... but nothing. So empty and so quiet, almost like waking up in an alternative universe where everyone but you and a couple of others have just turned to dust or some Marvel shizzle. Kind of like a bad horror movie. It just was so quiet and eerie and honestly, I could not wait to get home. 

So, that is it for my day. I decided to take it easy when I got back, chilled and played games whilst letting the washing machine and tumble dryer do its think in the background. I have found my diabetes to be quite on edge as I have been, all day today because of going out and you never know who is carrying said bad virus, but, my sugars are starting to stable out now, finally. I keep forgetting what anxiety does to my bloods, and I should have medded more this morning alas the damage was already done when I woke up, so it didn't matter either way. And to be honest, I think I did stay safe whilst I was out... I kept my distance, used sanitiser when necessary. Kept within markers in the shops I went to. Washed my hands and clothes when home. I have done what I can to keep myself safe today. I am also proud of the hospital I work in and the way they are adjusting to the situation, what with spacing the chairs out in waiting areas, masks and aprons, and other precautions. We can get through this... I don't know how yet, but we will. 

Alas, it's time to go, with that horrendous reminder it is a week till my birthday (thanks for this yesterday Tom Nook, ya dick) and I still have no idea what is happening. Will I be on my own throughout the day or not? Will the presents I bought myself arrive on time? Will anyone watch the live stream if I do it? Will I be able to set up the live stream whilst the other half is at work? Will I be sad that plans aren't going ahead? Will I be reminded that the last couple of months have been bad and I am due a break? I know I am being selfish, I know I am but, dear Cheesus on a bicycle, I am honestly done with bad news for one year!

Anyway, hope you are all well. Keep safe friends and family and friends that are family.

Over and out, mes amigos.

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