Pride Month

Saturday 4 April 2020

[[0041]] Day 18 of Self-Isolation

No idea what is going on in the world today, let alone my country. Sometimes it is good to step away from the media and give yourself some time to breathe.

Day 18 (No idea what is going on right now, but that is A-OKAY with me.)

Evening friendos, how is it going-o?

I am feeling much more chipper today, probably because the other half is home so I am making the most of that whilst I can. It's nice to have someone to chat to at any point of the day in person, but also someone to help gut the entire house and make it feel all nice and shiny and new. All in all, it's just nice to have someone around, and honestly, I have realised today that I do take seeing family, friends and work colleagues for granted and I do miss it quite a lot, so I will make the most of having Jake home when he is home, even if I am making him help tidy up. It's nice to have him back making food as well, not that my food is bad, I can cook good when I put my mind to it, but it's nice to not have to worry about that for a couple of days as he is one of the reasons I did start eating like a normal human. 

Today, has ended up being a music day. Ish. 

I decided to finish off what I could do of the music room for now. Basically, we both have a lot of music stuff between us, some instruments and I have a sexy bass coming in the future, amongst some other nice music things so we decided to make a room for it all. The other half and our friends helped convert it the first time as a surprise for me, alas, we stored loads of stuff from downstairs in that room when we thought we were gonna flood so the room kind of lost its purpose. 

Well, not anymore! 

We re-used a bookcase that got left in the house and moved my music collection over on to it. I am so happy about this because I finally have a shelf for bits and bobs I've collected from Versailles, Kamijo and Jupiter so I am very, very happy about this. I haven't pictured the bottom couple of shelves as the other half has music stuff to add to them so they are currently empty at the moment. It was nice to actual move all that stuff today and remind myself how much pretty Jrock crap I do actually own as well as how much I have invested in my music loves over the years. 

I finally hung up all the Jrock tees and hoodies I've picked up over the years as well (and there are a lot haha) and we decided to do a little mini walk in wardrobe kind of section, so have ordered another clothes rail as well as more hangers for all our Western music merch which is all arriving by or on my birthday, so guess I can call it a practical birthday present for myself... and in all fairness, I do love organising things so I secretly cannot wait for all the stuff to arrive so I can put all the band merch on hangers and in order (I am sad but it gives me so much happiness to organise crap like this). 

Managed to get the keyboard up in there as well (not pictured) and the guitars and bass are all safe and on show as well, which makes me happy. Love my current Vintage Axxe bass so much so can't wait to actually take the time to learn how to play bass whilst all this crap is going on in the world. I keep reading that peeps are taking up new skills, so could be a fun one for me to do whilst I am off work. Plus... I love the sound of bass soooooo damn much OMG, it's why I wanted to learn how to play haha!

I'll get more pics when we stick things up, get frames and so on, but it's finally pulling together nicely which is cool, and I know it will look amazing when it is properly finished. 

Next is the office/reading room. Now THAT room is a challenge, considering everything from upstairs that was not needed upstairs was moved down to the office as it was needed in there, needed sorting or needed to go under the stairs. A large part of that organisation escapade will be tomorrow, as the other half has a lot of stuff to sort out, but that room is going to be a little slice of geeky heaven again and I am so excited about that. Plus I get to reorganise all my books again which OMG is my fave thing to do as well as have my desk back for commissions and rando drawing time, so challenge accepted!

Until then, I have a Versailles/Kamijo/Jupiter Jrock appreciation music room to make on Animal Crossing... don't believe me? Look at the beautiful stuff I made this morning from photos and so on for the artwork for said room haha!

I should also have my Harry Potter Advent Calendar tomorrow, just in time for the start of a new week of staying at home, very much excited I am. I also may have chucked out some old crappy shoes and invested in some new shoes from the Dr Martens sale... and OMG I saved £200 and they should be here in time for my birthday. Well, with not going to London, may as well treat myself!

I hope every one is safe and well though! Love you all~

Over and out, mes amigos.

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