Pride Month

Sunday 5 April 2020

[[0042]] Day 19 of Self-Isolation

I'm betting tomorrow we will no longer be allowed out once a day for exercise... Hancock has threatened to ban it so...

Day 19 (I'm slowly running out of house to tidy...)

Okay, so, a quiet Sunday, can't complain at that.

I'm nearly at the three week mark for being in the house so about 9-10 weeks potentially left to go but we shall see how that pans out. I have managed to avoid a large proportion of the news today, just for the sake of my own mental health but also because it is getting worse in the East Midlands and I just can't see how it will plateau here with so many stupid people about. Just saying. And because well, I do know a lot of people so this virus may not directly affect the friends and family I am close to, but could affect those that they know too, and that is somewhat sobering. So, news has been very avoided today.

I haven't really done a lot of house stuff today, but I have put away about five bags of washing which is something right? And made a banging dinner whilst the other half sorted out his stuff to go under the stairs and so on. So that is more rubbish for the rubbish pile although when we are getting rid of that is beyond me cos well, lockdown, lol. 

I did organise the washing today mind you, so I now know that it'll take about two more days to get it all washed and dried and put away, so I am taking that as a win, considering I started all this washing shit about two and a half weeks ago. If you are wondering why it takes so long, it has to be dried in 60min cycles in our condensing tumble dryer because the water tank needs emptying a lot to get stuff dried and yeah, I could hang it outside alas, can't really get to the washing line because my back garden really needs a skip cos so much crap to throw out. Either way, soon, all the clothes will be away and I can finally start my twice weekly wash days and I am so sad but very excited about this, you have absolutely no idea.

But yeah, made a banging healthy dinner. We have actually done well with food this week, we've had to top up on drink a couple of times as well as snacks but, for main meal foods, we are doing proper well. Nothing is going to waste which is fantastic. For example, needed to use the rest of the cabbage, broccoli and green beans from last week cos well, fresh stuff, so I did some chicken with cheese and ham kiev things, made some tiny mini roasty tatos, couple of yorkie puds and a lot of veg and I don't know about the other half, but this is the food I needed and need to eat more often. Not a large amount of carbs, I think about 40g, the rest is all veg and protein so less insulin, woooo! Might try do stuff like this every Sunday, especially with the house being tidier and stuff.

Other than that, I've mainly been faffing with Animal Crossing to help me chill out and stuff and stop me getting snappy or bleh over tiny little things. It helps a lot. So therapeutic and chill. I mentioned yesterday that I made a load of Versailles, Jupiter and Kamijo stuff for Animal Crossing so last night, I decorated a room with it all and I love how it turned out. Just need some more musical instruments, maybe some gothic furniture and a purple rose for Jamine You and the whole thing will be complete! Hopefully you all like it too and another hopefully, you're all having fun being creative on your islands as well. I can't wait to visit you all and take a looksie myself! I am going to make some Versailles outfits I think cos OMG seeing my Animals Running around in Doctor Strange has been awesome so seeing them as members of Versailles would be so blood cool. But I ain't gonna rush these things. Need to leave myself plenty to do whilst I am off!!!

So, that is it for today.

As for next week, I think my advent calendar arrives on Tuesday so that'll be a nice wake up treat in the morning. My shoes should be shipped out tomorrow as well. I just need to try and not stare at the letter box throughout the week for birthday cards because I am doing everything I can to avoid the downer of what Thursday is going to be.

I'm also concerned because I am running out of house to clean, which ain't a bad thing, its nice to know the end is insight. And it does mean I can go back to using the office for arting and stuff again, so finishing a friends commission, maybe draw some cheer up gifts for the other half to take to work, finally start drawing my Pokemon GO shiny calendar... I don't know. I have plans. Oh and read some books in the comfy new book corner I am creating. And organising a Harry Potter and Garth Nix and Philip Pullman shelf, so excited for that bad boy.

Anyway, that is all for next week!

Stay safe, hope you are all okay!

Over and out, mes amigos.

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