Pride Month

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

[[0045]] Day 22 of Self-Isolation

Honestly, the best day I have had so far whilst being away from work and the Big V. Like seriously, I have had an AMAZING day and I just... I cannot believe it. There is some hope for me and the diabetes after all... providing I can keep this up.

Day 22 (Week 4 begins... and what a week it has been so far!!!)

Good evening friends, I come to you feeling the best I have felt in... well, since forever cos I honestly can't remember the last time I had a bloody fantastic day, other than seeing bands and meeting the other half and all that jazz. 

That aside... today was day 1 of my mental health calendar!!! And it was a BIG door as well, which was so damn cool cos OMG cute socks are cute!!! 

And they were those like, I don't know what you call them but they are all squished up and you have to put them in water to expand them. And I had to do that straight away! I was too excited!!!

I had a doll of some description when I was younger that had clothes you had to put in warm water to expand and it reminded me of doing that in a sink in the bathroom of a flat we lived in in London when I was about 4 years old haha! 

It's a simple thing, but it made me so happy. Also helps that I have recently had to chuck a couple of pairs of my Harry Potter socks due to holes so this is a nice replacement for them! I am so excited to see what tomorrows door brings! I am also really happy that, okay it is only day 1, my mental health idea seems to be working. I feel like it has truly set me up for a good day in so many ways. It's going to be so great to have a reason to be excited in the morning when I wake up!!

So, that put me in a fab mood for the day, and it has shown in the amount I have pushed myself this afternoon in sorting my house out!!! (When I eventually got off Animal Crossing cos I am so totally designing a Hizaki Holy Grail dress on there atm).

My book corner is finally starting to come together!!!

Okay, it is a LONG way off and I still have some furniture to either bring down or chuck out but, the biggest shelves are moved and once the table is moved, the last book shelf can be put in!!! Plus, still can't believe it, but the slimmer shelf unit actually fits next to the big one, which I am soooo happy about because its going to make that corner look so much cleaner when all the books have been reorganised and plonked in there.

This room has been pretty tough going, considering, when I was cleaning upstairs, stuff from spare room that didn't belong in there when in the office, then stuff from music room that didn't belong in there then also, went into the office. Which was why it was so damn crammed. But since putting stuff under the stairs and shifting bags around, I have finally been able to start dealing with the furniture in here which is a relief because once all that is in, I can finally go through all the bags of stuff that got bagged up from when we thought we were going to flood, and put everything away. So it is coming together slowly, and hopefully will be finished at the weekend at long damn last. I cannot wait, I seriously can't. Bar decorating, the house is going to be so much better and that in itself, is gonna help my mental health a lot. 

OH YEAH, at this point in time of writing, the last load of washing is finally in the machine and in a couple of hours it will pass through the dryer and FINALLY, all our clothes will actually be clean. Little victories and all that!!

But obviously more must have happened to make this day one of the better days that I have had. May I show you this graph and these stats. And please, be wowed, they look boring, but they are AMAZING.

For the first time since God knows when, my blood sugars are ALL in range. As in, nothing over 8mmol/L. Nothing. The highest was 6.8 before dinner, the lowest was 3.3 which I monitored closely and didn't binge eat to fix the hypo and got my bloods up to 6.8 before my lunch. Nonetheless, the effort I made last night when I ate junk food actually paid off, I think I finally have my long acting dose correct and I think that I have finally nailed carb counting!!! But I'll know for certain later tonight providing I have done enough fast acting for my dinner.

Either way, I am so happy. These are days I need to be having with my bloods more often, if not every day! I know it is partially because my mental health is in a good place at the moment, because my bloods hugely fluctuate depending on my mood and so on, but, this is the first step towards better controlled diabetes!!! 

It does bum me out a bit that it has taken me being off work to get to this point, what with having more time to focus on the carb counting and maths and correction doses and stuff, but, if I can keep this up, hopefully it can translate into my work when I go back. Which is another point as well, this pandemic might be ruining so damn many things, but, it is helping me and my diabetes a lot... silver linings and all that.

Well, I have an office to finish de-moulding, sealing and well, whatever else haha. Keeping busy is a good thing after all.

It is the birthday tomorrow. I'm okay, I think, that it won't be 100% what I had hoped for. And it is just another day. I'm going to be 31 and I need to be adult about everything, even if I want to sulk and stamp my feet like a bratty, crappy child. Okay, so I can't go shopping in Notts/P'boro like originally planned, and I don't know if I'll get the cake I wanted, I won't be seeing my friends or family or my fave band next week and I won't be doing fun things like Natural History Museum or the theatre or Harry Potter Studios... but, I keep reminding myself, there is always next year. I will just have the break I need so badly next year, I just have to wait a little longer. Needless to say, I don't want to wait and I do want it now, but... I can't change anything, it is what it is and nothing can be done about it.

So, on that note, I am going to sign off and do some stuff.

Over and out, mes amigos.

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