Pride Month

Saturday 11 April 2020

[[0048]] Day 25 of Self-Isolation

New shoe day! New shoe day! New shoe day! Basically, it's a good day.

Day 25 (Nearing the month at home mark now, this shit is getting real).

Evening friendos! How is it going?

It's another quick one from me today cos well, need to get back to work on the office because damn it's starting to look good... even though there are piles of books everywhere and organised bags of stuff waiting to go away!

Anyway, I mentioned yesterday we were gonna play games with our mates online... and we did!! We managed to play cards against humanity online with some of the best people in the world ever and it was bloody awesome! We are planning more games like that, maybe with Jack Box, next time. I think it is what we all needed! I know it was definitely what I needed! The other half is the only person I tend to see day to day so it was just really good to see some other faces and hear some other voices ❤️❤️❤️

I think we are planning something similar with the family tonight so I'll be sure to write about that tomorrow!!! Got to keep that content rolling for you all!

So, today! Let's begin with what was behind door number 4 of the mental health helping Harry Potter Advent Calendar! Today was two cute temp tattoos. No idea what I am going to do with them, but they are really pretty none the less, so may stick them on a wall when this is all over. Cannot wait to see what is behind door number 5! I love the little surprises each morning and it is really helping me be excited about things whilst I am stuck at home for the foreseeable! (Which is nearly at the one month mark, I can't believe it. The time has actually flown by!!!)

In other news... one of the birthday presents to myself arrived today! As well as one of the more practical prezzies for the music room. I won't lie, I have never been more excited to see 80 matching coat hangers and I cannot wait to hang up the rest of the music merch... well, once I have finished the office and put up the clothes rack for them! 

But the thing we need to talk about are the shoes because OMG best sale ever... would highly recommend. I still can't believe I saved £200 on Dr Martens... like seriously, it's crazy!!!

Seriously, look at these bad boys! The first pair are for work, and are aptly in work uniform colours hence why I got them... I also got them cos practical, like, I need decent soled shoes for work, and you can't get better than Dr Martens. The heeled pair are for special occasions, or if I wanna look pretty, I dunno. Gigs in the future maybe? I have some shoes similar, without the laces and ankle cut, but I do struggle to walk in them unless I'm in woolly socks or tights, so figured if I had some in that style, with laces n stuff, they wouldn't slip as I walk and stuff. Either way, I am in love with both pairs, and can't wait to put them in the spaces I made on the shelves for them.

And as with most pairs of DMs, I'm gonna wear the work ones in at home cos well, not wearing them in is bloody painful and I've plenty of time at home to get used to them and stuff. OH YEAH, that is the other thing, they are both size 6.5, which I am so fucking happy about because sometimes a 6 can be a bit tight but a 7 is way too big... so these make me so damn happy.

Still waiting on my hype bag being shipped mind you... they said up to 5 working days cos of the big V but it has been longer than that now so not too sure what is going on there. Oh well! I have received some birthday dollar from the other half's family though, so once a few more refunds have cleared, I think I might do a Soft Kitty mystery box and get me some cool alternative and geeky items for my nice new me and new home!

Anyway, I have an office to sort before family games tonight.

Over and out, mes amigos!

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