Pride Month

Sunday 12 April 2020

[[0049]] Day 26 of Self-Isolation

Honestly, not watching the news is actually really refreshing. I've not thought about what is going on in the world all weekend because I have been so busy and you know what, it is actually nice.

Day 26 (It's all cool here.)

So, whats crack-a-lackin?

I honestly have no idea what is going on in the world right now and you know what, I don't really care. I am in a proper good place this weekend and it's just actually so nice. 

So, it is Easter Sunday!!! And that means panic rush buying Easter eggs because I always forget to buy them and tbh, I just have not been out to buy them... and the other half didn't have enough hands or bags to carry them back later.

But, he went out, and he want mad... but it's awesome. And it all tastes sooooo good, plus, the Peter Rabbit plush can go with my Peter Rabbit money box I have had since I was teeny. I must add, I have also done a butt load of insulin today for this one -of-three binges on bad stuff I have a year, and I have kept everything reasonably in range which is bloody shocking considering. I think I am learning!!!

We also went and took some Easter treats to our friends just over the river from us too. They have a front garden with a wall, so we were able to social distance and have a chat and a catch up today as well which was so lovely!

In other news... my office desk is now no longer a mess, or covered in uni work... it has now been artified at last! All ready and prepared for when I get back in there to art m butt off.

 I won't lie, it has taken the best part of a day to get it looking this decent, and tbh the laptop is only there for show... I've not actually attempted the whole recovery disk procedure yet and I still don't know which of the other half's monitors I am pinching to double screen but... it's done at last! I think I spent a solid three hours organising pens into drawers and pencil cases, as well as checking if pens worked and stuff... but, it's worth it. I am so happy with the area and it also means a step closer to having the office completed!

All in all, I think there is maybe a good couple of days work on the house to get it where I want it to be, but I am gonna do my utmost to blast that out tomorrow and Tuesday... then what will I do with myself?

BAKING! That is what!!! I mentioned yesterday that the other half asked me to write a list of baking things I might want and he picked them up, with extras too!!! I am planning on making some kind of blondies, maybe rocky road blondies, flapjacks, breaksfast flapjacks, more cookies... I cannot wait!!! I am tempted to make banana and choc chip bread at some point too, we shall see. But yeah, I now have a drawer in the kitchen full of baking essentials and goodies for said bakes, as well as a shiny new mixing bowl, baking tray, a sieve and OMG A JUG I CAN ACTUALLY READ THE MEASUREMENTS ON. We also have a working set of digital scales after I found a battery for them. The other half even bought me a cute notebook to write my fave recipes in, and I am so making the first one those white choc chip and raspberry cookies I made on my birthday because omg, they were so good.

Forgot to say, we managed to play Cards Against Humanity with the family last night, which was nice cos when we go to theirs, we tend to play it there and have drinky-poos, so it was nice to feel some sense of normal even if we are all in different houses.

This whole Zoom things has opened up so many possibilities. Normally, the Scarbro side of the family tend to meet up for Easter, have drinks and a BBQ and egg hunt for the kids but obviously, that cannot be done this year. SO instead, a zoom party was hosted between loads of us, and it was actually pretty cool. It was also nice to speak and see other people as well, cos... well, I don't leave the house atm and I only speak to Jake and the cats.

Which I may have shown Magnus off a little bit too much because she was all over my lap and being adorable whilst the Zoom party was going on. Did see my Cousin Mark's cats though, and yes, I help Magnus up to the screen and was all "OMG look Magnus, you're one of those"... and she might hate me for it now but she still stayed on me and had cuddles and deep down, shes a sucker for attention, even if she bites you and acts like she don't like it.

For those of you that have been following, it is day number 5 on the advent calendar! And it was a damn good door today, I was proper happy with it, cos its a cute Hogwarts applique patch. No idea what I am putting it on yet, but it is adorable and I love it and cannot wait to wake up and see what I get for tomorrow!!!

I can't say it enough, but I am so damn pleased I came up with this idea for being at home. It is honestly that little burst of hope you need in the morning when you wake up and realise that you're gonna be spending another day indoors. I do wonder what everyone else is doing to keep their mental health in a good place when things are tough as they are right now. I know a lot of people are keeping routines as best they can, online chats with fam and friends, cleaning and so on. But there must be some other fun and novel ways out there, to keep going whilst this lockdown shizzle continues onwards!!! I must admit, and I'll say it again, avoiding the news at the weekends when the other half is home really is a big shout, because means neither of us have to suffer the doom and gloom, and I know he sees and hears enough doom and gloom being a front line worker in the NHS.

Right, I think that is it for today!!! I am going to relax with some Animal Crossing and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and figure out what else in the house I will sort out tomorrow (the end is in sight OMG).

Over and out, mes amigos.

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