Pride Month

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

[[0051]] Day 28 of Self-Isolation

And it's taken four weeks... and my house is nearly presentable!!! Not much longer to gooooooo!!!

Day 28 (Week 4 is ending, week 5 will soon begin!)


The end is in sight for my cleaning escapades, can you believe it? Because I can't. When I started, I never thought I would see the end but... it's actually getting there. A couple more bits to put up in the office, then some hoovering throughout and a couple of extra bits and pieces and boom, it's done, I will be a respectable adult for once in my life.

I am really happy with the office though, like, so happy! It is my mission today to get it finished because I have my special new arty laptop arriving tomorrow and I cannot wait!!!

But first, here are a couple of sections I have finished in the office today, I hope you like it as much as I do!!! 

I'm really sad and I kept my uni final presentation dissertation poster as well as my text books and I even bought the mortarboard hat thingy too because I am a sad sap like that and memories haha! Before, my text books were all stacked in front of my desk and the poster was rolled up and the rest of my uni stuff was in bags, but I have been able to get all my old uni notes into a drawer and I have put the books out on show as well. I even stuck up the award certificates I got for my college course and my Masters! I will get frames for them one day, I just wanna be able to look at them. The picture next to the bottom certificate was one my Grandma printed and had stuck in her office from when I graduated college, it has the date on it and says "I'm so proud of you Keita" and it's honestly the sweetest thing. I stuck my dissertation poster up for the sheer fact I loved my self-designed diss project and got to work with art and science... my two loves all rolled in to one!!! But yes, that be now my intelligent space, because sometimes I need reminding that I have brain cells and have actually done well for myself.

I have also started sticking other bits and pieces up around my office as well, starting with my now art desk. I found all the bits and pieces I had stuck up before, some of my own work and a few from artists I used to know or still know and poof, pretty art display to keep me inspired! #

I have loads of bits stuck up here and I am going to stick some Doctor Strange and Sherlock shizzle up there as well at some point, but these are the most important pieces I had to put up. There's a couple of the A3 pieces I've done and other bits and bobs, as well as my Kamijo drawn by the lovely Misa, a few pieces from my friend Luna and Gyarados by Chu as well as some of my characters drawn by the awesome Boo! Pride of place will always and forever be my characters drawn by the amazing Marit, who I have not seen or heard from in years. I managed to get to know her after being a big fan of her artwork on DeviantART but I think she may have disappeared off the face of the Earth, alas, I still love her and her work, so I'll always have it up where I can see it! Either way, art space is awesome.

My bookshelves are done as well but I haven't brought the armchair down yet and moved the table so that may be a tomorrow jobby. I also managed to get the other clothes rack made up for the music room today and was able to hang up all the rest of the music merch, so bar stuff to stick on the walls, the music room is also shaping up nicely too. I still need to put all the clothes away in our room and hoover everywhere, and re-spruce the living room and kitchen but... it is actually getting there, my house is actually looking nice.

But I must admit, my head space is in a much better place then it was a couple of weeks ago and it kind of is true what they say, the whole tidy house, tidy mind shizzle. Like, I am more than geared up to do the old things I used to love before I got bogged down with life. Putting all the books away and organising them has made me excited about reading again, and having my desk set up for art is making me excited for arting again too. Might even do some art trades... who knows. Get commissions going again, do some art for myself too maybe, who knows?

You saw me mention about a shiny new pretty I have arriving tomorrow. Well, you may have seen my favourite laptop is dead and there be nothing in the office for me to use for my art and writing needs but, after talking to some friends about options and possibilities, I signed up to PC World for finance and am getting a pretty decent artist laptop which is arriving tomorrow. It even comes with a Wacom pen so the potential to do digital art is now an option as well... although need to investigate what programs peeps have been using and stuff first cos, free is friend lmao! It's also a 2-in-1 laptop so I can flip it over and use it as a tablet and a drawing pad kinda thing. It's proper cool.

I have been proper anxious about the whole thing mind you though. I hate the idea of credit, but, I technically did a 2 year plan to pay off my phone with O2 and it is pretty much the same deal so I feel a bit calmer about that at least. But it's such a large amount of money but I know I can just treat it like another monthly bill. I could have just used the Lenovo we got for gaming and streaming, but I wanted something that I could solely use for art and writing and potentially for uni if I manage to get a PhD or do a creative writing and publishing masters. I probably could have just survived without but... I need something to art with, and if the other half is streaming, or the Lenovo is set up for me to stream the switch, I don't wanna be faffing carrying the Lenovo around the house and what have you, especially with my falling over tendencies.

Either way, I got a pretty, it comes tomorrow and I am more excited than anxious now, thank God! But I am still a bit anxious cos BIG commitment. 

Anyway, I will end today's post with the lovely opening of door number 7 of my mental health advent calendar!!!

Today was a cute little Christmas magnet, which I am still gonna put on the fridge even though it is not currently Christmas. What is life without a bit of whimsy?

That is it for tonight's blog though, I hope you're looking forward to tomorrows and more exciting pics of things I have done to my house!!!

Stay safe friends, don't kill each other.

Over and out, mes amigos. 

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